Grand Lodge of Colorado Freemasons
Learn About The Grand Lodge of Colorado Freemasons
Freemasonry in the Community
Become A Colorado Freemason
Colorado Masonic Lodges
Colorado Freemasons
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Colorado Ancient Free and Accepted Masons is an observable way of life through education, moral standards, charity, and community involvement. We are the Freemasons of Colorado.
Becoming a Freemason
If you are interested in becoming a Freemason, please visit our main site to learn more or contact our Grand Lodge and individual lodges.
Grand Master’s Message
Greetings Brothers,
I bring you tidings from the East by way of the West.
Thank you all for attending our Grand Lodge Sessions and electing me to be Grand Master this year. The Grand Lodge Officers and I are moving ahead with all the business that we can accomplish in the upcoming year. Many meetings, cornerstones, visits, and awards have already been scheduled and I’m sure even more will happen. Looking forward to seeing and participating with many of you in your Lodge’s usual accomplishments. Our Grand Lecturer and District Lecturers have been tasked with and are scheduling masonic education and also workshops to help us all hear the great things Masonry has done and realize what more we can do especially for our candidates and new brothers.
We have new members do a proficiency. But if that is all ,they don’t get to hear, learn and believe all of the other Great Truths that there are in Masonry. The Grand and District Lecturers will present education to us in our Lodges and give us ideas where to learn more. Go to Lodge and Learn. Lodges, call and invite your District Lecturers to your meetings so you can be impressed even more with our Masonic Principles and History.
The ultimate success of Masonry depends on the intelligence and knowledge of its disciples.
The mason who goes to Lodge and reads, no matter how little, and even if it is only the pages of the monthly magazine he subscribes to, will always maintain higher views of our institution. He will also enjoy new delights in having these views. The masons who do not read will not know of the interior beauties of Speculative Masonry, but will be content to suppose it to be similar to the Odd Fellows or an Elk’s Lodge. Only maybe a little older. Such a Mason would surely be an indifferent individual, for he hasn’t laid any foundation for Zeal. If this indifference is not checked and becomes more widely spread, the result is all too apparent. Freemasonry would have to step down from the elevated position it has and has been struggling to attain. The efforts of Masonic Scholars to maintain our lodges would be diminished. Instead of becoming resorts for speculative and philosophical thought, Masonry would deteriorate into social clubs or mere benefit societies. With so many rivals in that field, our struggle for a prosperous life would be a hard one.
Ross A. Allen
Grand Lodge A.F.&.A.M. of Colorado
2023 Grand Master of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Colorado